Woodbridge Shoeing Competition


Open to registered farriers and apprentices
Scott Taylor: 07875 747715
Monday 6th May 2024
Venue Trinity Park, Ipswich, Suffolk, IP3 8UH
JUDGE: Tom Farmer AWCF
Ben Coy AWCF

Class information below

If you are entering on behalf of someone else, please add a note at checkout


Additional information


Class 1 (Apprentice Shoeing), Class 2 (Open Cob Shoeing), Class 3 (Apprentice Therapeutic Shoe Making), Class 4 (Open Shoe Making)

Class 1

All new apprentice class
Open to all apprentices
Time allowed 60 mins
Apprentice fireman are allowed

1 concave shoe made and fitted to a wooden training foot
1 fullered shoes made and fitted to a wooden training foot
Shoes will be judged on shoe making and the fit each shoe marked out of 20

Highest 3 1st and 2nd year to be awarded rosettes
Highest 3 3rd and 4th year to be awarded rosettes

Entry fee £20
Prizes £25, £15, £10.

Class 2

Open Cob Shoeing (2 shoes) Time allowed 60 minutes. Entry fee £30.00
1 ¾ Fuller shoe on allocated foot, 1 Bar Shoe specimen opposite side to foot allocated

Prizes £35, £25, £10.

Class 3

Apprentice Therapeutic Shoe Making. Time allowed 60minutes. Entry fee £25.00

Make 2 shoes to Judge’s specification.

Prizes £30, £20, £10.

Class 4

Open Shoe Making. Time allowed 60minutes. Entry fee £30.00

Make 2 shoes to Judge’s specification
Prizes £30, £20, £10.

£15 Prize for Best workmanlike apprentice over the day.

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£15 prize for Best shod foot

The Gowing Trophy Highest scoring apprentice over both classes
The woodbridge trophy for highest scoring qualified over both classes



Tickets are non-refundable, but you may transfer to another person, please let us know if you wish to do this.

Flame On Media bears no financial responsibility for the tickets, and for clarity, are receiving no financial gain from doing so. The arrangement between the British Farriers and Blacksmith Association and Flame On Media is purely convenience of an active website with a suitable payment gateway. All funds go directly to the BFBA Eastern Branch bank account.

Here is an email address monitored by the Eastern Counties Chairman (Stephen Britten) Stephenbritten@hotmail.com  or call on 07825664808

Alternatively, please ring head office to appease any concerns on Call: 024 7669 6595 or fill out the contact form

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