
Sam Fowler

Founded through hard work and determination

I have been involved in the online realms for many years, whilst working for/with large YouTube channels, and with that learnt all the tools necessary to help digitally market businesses.

On a part time basis, I also shoe horses, I started off my career doing this, it is a completely different environment to the filming, and find the balance perfect for me!

My Story

As mentioned, I started shoeing horses from the age of 19, establishing my own business, right in the early boom of Facebook, I picked up half my client base in a very small space of time, with relatively little effort, which opened my eyes to the power of digital marketing.

I maintain a very basic website for the farriery business, which costs me very little, but gives me a presence on Google. It has paid for itself over and over merely by it being there!

My interest in videography was established when I met Alec Steele - a young local blacksmith, who now is a world renowned blacksmith and YouTuber - he used YouTube as a marketing tool, until the marketing tool far exceeded his income he was trying to market!!

Websites where a natural progression, I use a variety of solutions, depending on your needs, from Wix and Squarespace, to WordPress and Elementor, and enjoy the impact it has on others businesses.

I have been accredited by training with industry leaders in Social Media Paid Advertising, and have access to an extended network of wealth and knowledge across all industry sectors.

The human hand fills the last missing elements of the surface from the jigsaw puzzle
My Mission

My mission is to empower businesses by providing innovative, high-quality digital solutions, enhancing their online presence, and driving significant growth.

My Vision

My vision is to be a leading digital agency known around the world for our innovative solutions, commitment to quality, and commitment to client success - but one step at a time!

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